Tag Archives: Hanami Festival

Kokeshi at the Hanami Festival

31 May

Final animation. Enjoy : )

A little information about the animation and its title:

The name of the animation derives from the dolls used in the stop motion (Kokeshi) which were given to people who attended hot spring resorts in the Tohuku region in the Northern of Japan. There are two types, traditional and creative Kokeshi. The traditional have limbless bodies with large heads with their kimonos displaying simple patterns from the areas the Kokeshi is created in. Creative Kokeshi are more modern, with the kimonos displaying patterns created from artists and their unique styles.

The Hanami Festival, with Hana meaning flowers and Mi is the verb of ‘to watch’, is a festival set in Japan every year from the end of March to early May which celebrates the bloom of the Sakura blossom trees, and watching the falling of the petals. Usually people gather (friends/family/work colleagues) and hold parties with food, drinks etc. It was first practiced with plum blossoms, or ume, in the Nara Period (710-794) but by the Heian Period (794-1185) Sakura blossoms were attracting more attention.

Hope you liked that little lesson.

And now that I am off for the couple of months from uni, I can finally somewhat relax but plan on doing things over the break. But that will all happen once I know my RyRy is out of hospital and all fine and dandy. In case you wonder he got admitted since Sunday afternoon (although we also went on Saturday morning but they told him to come back if pains persist, which it did) with abdominal pains and after leaving at 11:30pm on Sunday night I have been visiting him every day, buying him stuff he needs and staying until visiting hours are over.

He believes that he’ll come out by tomorrow, but I doubt it really. Although it would be wonderful if he did.